
Research Highlights


After the Maidan

UC Berkeley scholars present diverse viewpoints on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

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Research Highlights


Battling Ebola

A UC Berkeley professor has been part of a network of researchers working to apply local anthropological knowledge in the fight to contain the most deadly Ebola outbreak in history.

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Research Highlights


Liz Carlisle: “Lentils to the Rescue”

Can lentils save American farms from drought? As California struggles with a water crisis, a UC Berkeley fellow shows how legumes can reduce dependence on irrigation.

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Research Highlights


Center on the Politics of Development

A UC Berkeley research center advances mixed-methods research on development, envisions public policy solutions, and advocates for sustainable changes to the governance of developing communities.

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Research Highlights


Emmanuel Letouzé: “Data for Development”

UC Berkeley demographer (and cartoonist) Emmanuel Letouzé seeks to reduce the gap in statistical data available about populations in developing nations.

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Thomas Laqueur: “Long Live the Dead”

In a forthcoming book, UC Berkeley Professor of History Thomas Laqueur examines how the peculiar relationship between the living and dead has evolved over time.

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Research Highlights


Paul K. Piff: “Are the Wealthy More Narcissistic?”

Psychologist Paul Piff studies the link between wealth and social behavior, and shows how economic inequality shapes—and is shaped by—the mind.

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Research Highlights


Kerwin Klein: “Mountain Views”

Europeans used to regard mountains as fearsome and unapproachable, but this perception has shifted over time, says UC Berkeley Professor of History Kerwin Klein.

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Research Highlights


Bearing Witness

UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center has taken a lead role in assessing the International Criminal Court’s groundbreaking witness program.

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Research Highlights


Bee Killers

The bodies and behaviors of bees have been dramatically transformed by human beings—including the U.S. military—according to UC Berkeley geographer Jake Kosek.

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Research Highlights


Brain Exercise and Alzheimer’s

A postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley investigated whether a lifetime of cognitive exercise could mitigate the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Research Highlights


Africa’s AIDS Industry

Efforts to prevent the spread of AIDS in Africa tend to follow the same script, even though the methods are largely ineffective, according to a paper co-authored by a UC Berkeley sociologist.

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