
Research Highlights


Published September 5, 2014

Struggles of a Class Worrier

Governments have to do more to reduce income inequality, says UC Berkeley's Robert Reich.

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Research Highlights


Published August 4, 2014

Playing with Kids Pays Off Economically

A groundbreaking study by UC Berkeley researchers shows that playing with children has a profound impact on their future incomes.  

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Published August 1, 2014

Reconstructing Disaster

UC Berkeley graduate student Siri Colom researches how politics shaped the reconstruction of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

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Research Highlights


Published August 1, 2014

Seeking New Models for Clinical Medicine

A new Social Science Matrix seminar is focused on finding radical new approaches to clinical health care.

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Research Highlights


Published August 1, 2014

Waging War on Inequality

Minimum wage increases in cities have significant benefits and fewer costs than expected, according to a team of UC Berkeley economists.

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