Graduate students from UC Berkeley's Social Science Departments are invited to participate in the first-ever Social Science Matrix GRAD SLAM, which is modeled after the UC Grad Slam and Three-Minute Thesis competitions organized by universities around the world. Join us for this fun event, learn about each other's work, and forge connections across fields in a relaxed atmosphere.
Participants should be Doctoral Candidates (hopefully) graduating in the next two years. Performers are invited to give an informative, entertaining, and blistering three-minute summary of their dissertation. Visuals are encouraged; impenetrable jargon and extensive literature reviews are not.
Awards will be given based on audience voting and an All-Star Panel of Judges Who Are Fortunately Not On Your Dissertation Committee.
Prizes will be given in several categories, including Most Entertaining, Most Obscure But Very Important, Most Humorous, Most Likely to Be Denounced as a Conspiracy Theory, Most Depressing About the State of the World, Most Likely to Impress Someone from the Hard Sciences, and Most Miserable-Sounding Fieldwork.
Snacks will be available for everyone. Even if you do not participate, you are still invited to attend as an audience member.